Our Foundation

Following in the footsteps of our Foundation's namesake, the Cynthia M. Reed Heart and Solle Foundation's mission is one of compassionate service and of making a significant difference in the lives of those suffering physically and/or emotionally. We are committed to providing financial and organizational assistance to carefully selected charities congruent with Solle's mind and body philosophy.

Our Projects

Our Vision

In a world where health is so often and unfortunately tied to economic prosperity, we envision a future where mental, emotional and physical well-being is within the reach of everyone, independent of where they live, where they start, or when they start.

We imagine a time when the starting point doesn't dictate the journey or the destination. Whether one begins their health journey early in life or later, whether they start from a position of privilege or hardship, the path to well-being should always be open and navigable.

We see a future where preventative care takes precedence, where mental health is given equal importance as physical health, and where emotional well-being is acknowledged as a significant contributor to overall health.

We are committed to making this vision a reality by advocating for health education, promoting awareness about mental and emotional health, and working to make basic health necessities more accessible. We believe that when health and wellness become universally attainable, we will witness a world where individuals thrive, communities prosper, and humanity advances.

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